Splash Festivals, founded by Frances Schube and Cindy Flynn, produces the Brookhaven Cherry Blossom Festival (artist market and Kidz Zone), Acworth Art Fest, Chamblee At Fest, Dunwoody Art Festival, Alpharetta Arts Streetfest, Norcross Art Splash Festival and Johns Creek Arts Festival

Splash Festivals specializes in producing events that creatively promote the cities we serve. Our art festivals showcase artisan’s work that is finely crafted, colorful and whimsical. These unique approaches to marketing these cities brings thousands of visitors to experience the charm of these communities. Hundreds of local volunteers engage to welcome these visitors and artists in a magical celebration of the arts and spirit of the community.

Our mission is to:

  1. Create events that showcase the cities we serve and provide an environment that promotes fun art and fine craft, family entertainment, and the businesses of the community.
  2. Provide our artisans with supportive environments in which to promote their quality artwork and enhance their experiences with our focus on exceptional care and respect.
  3. Honor our patrons and sponsors by providing strong community venues that encourage the building of new customer relationships.